Orphan’s Treasure Box

Address: 826 Pioneer Street Champaign, Illinois 61820 Number: 217-298-3202

Orphans Treasure Box is a unique used bookstore. We sell donated books through various online platforms, like Amazon, Biblio and our own website store. Now, here’s the special part. Every month we give a good portion of our profits to missions serving vulnerable kids and orphans; but, we don’t just give money. We employ women coming out of addiction, prison, homelessness and domestic abuse.

We also love giving away books to underserved communities where access to quality books is scarce. Our bookstore is about giving. Our walk-in outlet is open from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. You can purchase books from our online bookstore 24/7. Pick up orders are typically ready within 3 business days.