someone circling the day on their calendar.

Become a Day Partner

$150 each month in ongoing support.

Picking a Date

Once you’ve made a donation at the Day Partner level, you will receive an email with more information, or feel free to call 1-800-475-9245 and ask for the Day Partner staff.


A single gift of $1,800 or a monthly gift of $150 each month.

Your Personal Message

At this giving level, we’ll thank you personally by reading your personal message on-air each hour during your chosen day. You may want to celebrate a special event in your life or honor a loved one with your message.

Families celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, and many other events this way. They’ve honored grandparents, thanked pastors and school teachers. They’ve commemorated the passing of a child or parent, and many use this personal message to share hope.

Make your Day Partner donation here!